The six most powerful words in the English language are; ‘Let me tell you a story’.
These six short words instantly capture anyones attention and curiosity. Understanding your client’s brand story is the first step to great visual communication. I recently created a promotional leaflet for Cornude Artisan Popcorn. My client, Ruth, came to me with a strong passion for her company and its values. I wanted to make this evident in any piece of artwork I created for her.
But first, to visualise a story, one must listen.
At Maker, we believe it is crucial to listen. We are not just listening to the what but also the why. Only then can the story unfold. The what is the promotional leaflet, the why is the story worth telling.
Cornude Popcorn is based in the Liberties in Dublin, a place of great character and growth. Cornude create all their popcorn and flavours from scratch. This honest form of food making in a culturally rich surroundings is exactly what consumers like to hear – the story behind the brand.
To be fully committed to the brand’s identity, it can take just that little bit of extra thinking and creativity to capture what exactly it is you want to say. With this in mind, I created a traditional style street sign from the Liberties out of popcorn kernels as the main part of the leaflet.
Combining the concept of natural popcorn kernels and the rich character of the Liberty’s, the brand story is born. Kernels are where Cornudes story begins, at its most honest and exposed. The kernels feature a few times throughout the leaflet to remind consumers of the story behind the product – natural, homemade, honest.
“The best brands are built on great stories.”
– Ian Rowden, Chief Marketing Officer, Virgin Group
A brand story is a way to differentiate your company. It’s a way of building something that your clients will care about. To spark curiosity in your brand, tell yours.
At MAKER, we tell the visual story of your business. One that captures its passion, strength, and individuality.