Apartment Owners’ Network Rebrand We are delighted with the results of our brand redesign from MAKER. Kate took the time to understand our organisation’s ethos and delivered a fresh and professional design on time and on budget. We look forward to working with...
TEST & TRIAL IRELAND Test & Trial Ireland is a wireless licensing service provided by the Irish Communications Regulator, (ComReg), to encourage innovation and development of wireless communications using Ireland’s radio spectrum. In this rebrand we have...
ENFUSE DCC | LEO–Dublin City | TU Dublin ENFUSE, original concept named ‘Enterprise Challenge’ by Norman Thompson (DCC) & Gavan Cleary (TUD), is a joint initiative between Dublin City Council (DCC), Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), Dublin City...
Balance My Life | Branding Client: Balance My Life Balance My Life Ireland are the Health, Wellness & Fitness consultants that provide insight into how the food we eat can affect our nutrition, movement, sleep & how we relax. The logo captures these four...
Anya Design Studio | Branding Client: Anya Design Studio This vibrant visual brand was created to reflect the creative nature of Anya Design Studio. The bright colours and intriguing patterns complement the bold lettering of the logo itself. MAKER worked with Anya...
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