5 Eco-Friendly Ways To Wrap Gifts This Year

Ireland is expected to generate 83,000 tonnes of packaging waste over Christmas.

That’s on average 16,600 male elephants!

This year we have put together a list that might tackle this number (think of the elephants!)

Every little thing helps, so here are 5 eco-friendly ways to wrap your gifts this year;

1. String & Ribbon

Who says that presents need to be wrapped? Why not try just tying a pretty bow around that bottle of wine instead of a gift bag? Beautiful and creative ways to present a gift – without the wrapping!

2. Pages of old books

Have you got any old books lying around that could be put to good use? Why not dress your gift up in a romantic comedy or thriller to add intrigue to your gift?

3. Old Shirts/Clothing

This is one of our favourite eco-friendly wrapping idea. Old shirts/clothes make great gift bags. Sow the material into a square and use year after year! Or use an old shirt sleeve as a wine bag!

4. Newpapers

Time to use up those old newspapers to create something beautiful! This could be really something creative and different to wrap your presents in whilst reusing your old papers.

5. Use what you have already & be creative!

Use up paper that you might have from previous years and go easy on the selotape. Why not try pritt sticking the edges together or use some string & ribbon to seal it.

We can all play our part in small ways.

Contact us – sayhello@makerdesign.ie


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